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Info about Kumi Naidoo, executive Director of Greenpeace in Perreault Magazine

 Kumi Naidoo, the International Executive Director of Greenpeace, has been a leader in human rights, social justice, and environmental activism for over three decades. Originally from South Africa, he is the first African to head the organization. After battling apartheid in South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s through the Helping Hands Youth Organization, Naidoo led global campaigns to end poverty and protect human rights. He is also recognized internationally as a forceful advocate for gender equity and against gender violence. Kumi Naidoo became involved in the South African liberation struggle at the age of 15. He was deeply involved in neighborhood organization, youth work in his community, the underground movement, and mass mobilizations against the apartheid regime. Recently, he has led the Global Call for Climate Action, which brings together environmental, aid, religious and human rights groups, labor unions, scientists and others and has organized mass   Demonstrations around climate negotiations.

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