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Global Health

[Global Health][twocolumns]

Editor Brigitte Perreault Shares “Nothing is so beautiful as Spring”

In this issue, we are featuring Dr. Sylvia Earle and Mission Blue, a global initiative of the Sylvia Earle Alliance (SEA). Dr. Earle is an American marine biologist, explorer, author, and lecturer. Since 1998, she has been a National Geographic explorer-in-residence, and was the first female chief scientist of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Dr. Earle was named by Time Magazine as its first Hero for the Planet in 1998. Not only is she a fascinating woman,  she is a graceful human being with a laser like focus: saving the ocean. How can the growing problems of overfishing, coastal population, mismanaged waste and trash, still have hope? Dr. Earle shares her 'Hope Spots' initiative and its success.
PERRAULT Magazine is showcasing Steve Lock’s images of the marine life that inhabits the remote and pristine tropical reefs of the Asia/Pacific region. His passion lies in photographing the world beneath the surface of the oceans.
 We are launching a new section: Eco-Store, promoting eco-consumerism. You will find a selection of fair trade, cause-conscious, eco, recycled and upcycled products.
 As this glorious season begins, we are inviting you to take action and support a cause, support environmental education, reduce your energy consumption and incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. You may create your own movement, or join a movement and take action. We must remember that it begins with each one of us, individually. Only then can we have the power of growth and effectiveness. A unique effort can indeed lead to a global success.

 Share your discoveries, share your knowledge.

 I am inspired. I hope you are too!

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