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How The Heart-Brain Connection Works posted by Perreault Magazine

Mothers and their babies are often said to share a deep, intimate connection. Simply by looking and smiling at each other, moms and babies synchronize their heartbeats to within milliseconds of each other. The Heart’s Electromagnetic Field.
 How the heart brain connection works

The electromagnetic field generated by the Heart is the most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field Produced by the body. TheHeart’sfield permeates every cell and may act as a synchronizing signal for all the cells in the body in a manner similar to information carried by radio waves. What is exciting is that we can learn to intentionally align with and consciously choose Heart Intelligence over mind made stories. The practice of consciously living from the Heart increases intuitive access. As we listen to our Heart our discernment increases and we make better life choices.

The Heart Connects Us To Our Divine Essence.

As our civilization begins to awaken into a higher consciousness we become more aware as to the Miracles of Life. Everything that we perceive in our experience is given shape by thought, created in our mind, and given substance by “Feeling” in our Heart. A mind with Heart fills your life experience with Love-based Truth. The
Heart-Mind-DNA connection is vital in attaining the empowerment of physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Your choice of devotion would be to point your perception away from the illusions of the ego-mind and focus on the Truth and Wisdom that lives within your Heart.

For more information- You may refer this link:

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