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Working with Governments to Strengthen Nature as posted in Perreualt Magazine

Nature’s ability to meet our needs for food, water, energy and other essential services for human well-being requires sound government policy and smart funding choices. Governments around the world have adopted policies to protect wildlife, land, fresh water, air and marine resources. With the unprecedented draw down of critical natural resources, however, current policies cannot keep pace with today’s environmental challenges.

                                 Why is it important?
National and global security:
Depleting critical natural resources can lead to instability, mass migration and regional conflict.

Water we drink:
From New York City to southwestern China, governments are creating innovative ways for downstream water users to pay upstream landowners to maintain and restore forest areas and to prevent pollution.

Governments around the world are recognizing the value of nature to longterm employment and prosperity, as well as the importance of natural resource stewardship to economic and global security.

Food we eat:
Around the world governments are working with local communities,
businesses and nonprofit organizations to ensure proper management of the seas and lands so that they can support productive fisheries and farms.

 Climate stability:

Conserving the world’s tropical forests is essential for mitigating the impacts of climate change. In 2009, the Government of Norway committed up to US $250 million to support Guyana’s efforts to promote sustainable economic development and to mitigate climate change through protection of the country’s forests.

To read more about nature article:

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