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Brigitte Perreault met child welfare leaders at HARVARD UNIVERSITY

Last week, on November 5th 2014, child welfare leaders from around the world gathered at HARVARD UNIVERSITY in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a three-day groundbreaking symposium sponsored by 'Both Ends Burning.
I had the great honor and privilege of being part of it as a Leadership Team Member, as well as a Country Host for Haiti. This was a gathering I will never forget. Being at Harvard was memorable, I made lots of new friends who have a great passion for the children of the world.

These leaders came from 20 countries, representing Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America, reflecting the rich diversity of our planet – different cultures, different languages, different religious backgrounds and different ideological beliefs.

Yet there was common ground:
·  All share a passion for the welfare of the children of their countries.
·  All share a belief that the issues of child welfare need to be elevated as priorities for their political leaders.
· All share the view that the public needs to become more aware of the global crisis of unparented children.
·  All share the conviction that Every Child Deserves a Family and that this basic human right should be codified.
·   All share a commitment to improving the child welfare systems of their countries.
While we celebrate our diversity, going forward we choose to focus on our common ground.

For more info - visit

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